Jharkhand JSSC CGL 2024 Admit Card
In this article we are going to update us regarding Jharkhand JSSC CGL 2024 Admit Card.

The Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) has released the admit cards for the 2023 Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Examination. Here's a summary of the key details:
Admit Card Release: The admit cards were made available on 17th September 2024 for the exams scheduled on 21st and 22nd September 2024. Candidates can download their admit cards by visiting the official JSSC website (jssc.nic.in).
Exam Dates: The JSSC CGL Exam will be held over two days—21st and 22nd September 2024. The examination consists of three papers, conducted in three different shifts on the same day.
Papers & Timings:
- Paper 1 (Language Knowledge): 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM.
- Paper 2 (Regional and Tribal Language): 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.
- Paper 3 (General Knowledge): 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
Selection Process: The examination includes written tests followed by document verification. The exam pattern includes multiple-choice questions with negative marking for incorrect answers.
Candidates are required to bring their admit card along with an original photo ID and two passport-sized photographs to the exam center. Make sure to check all the instructions on the admit card and reach the exam center before the reporting time